1. The commission rates of our firm are based upon the cost of the services we provide, the value of these services to our clients, and competitive market conditions. Our commission rates are not determined by agreement with, or recommendation or suggestion from, any person not a party to a listing agreement with our firm.
2. Salespersons affiliated with this firm shall not participate in any discussion with any person affiliated with, or employed by, any other real estate firm concerning the commission rates charged by this form, or any other real estate firm in our community.
3. When soliciting a listing, or negotiating a listing agreement, no salesperson affiliated with this firm shall make any reference to a “prevailing” commission level in the community, the “going rate” or any other words or phrases that suggest that commission rates are uniform or “standard” within our marketing area, or that agencies will not show properties unless there is a specific commission rate.
4. The amount of sub-agency compensation or “commission split” offered by this firm to cooperating brokers is determined by the level of service we can expect a cooperating office to perform, and the amount of compensation, or commission splits, are not intended and may not be used to induce or compel any other real estate firm on our marketing area to raise or lower the commission they charge to their client.
5. When soliciting or negotiating a listing agreement, no salesperson affiliated with this office shall disparage the business practices of any other real estate firm, nor suggest that this office, or any other office, will not cooperate with any other real estate firm. Listing presentations shall focus exclusively upon the level of service and professionalism provided by this office, the results we have achieved for other clients, and the value the client can expect to receive for the fees we charge. Potential clients should be invited, and encouraged, to compare the value of our services to those of any other real estate firm in our marketing area. Likewise, any salesperson who is invited by a potential client to compare our service with those of any other real estate should do so by emphasizing the nature and quality of the services we provide.
6. Whenever a salesperson is unsure about the proper way to respond to the concerns of an actual or potential client or customer, or whenever a salesperson has been present during an unauthorized discussion of fees or commissions, he/she should verbally disavow any involvement in the conversation, leave the premises, and contact his/her Broker immediately. If necessary, the Broker will consult our firm’s attorney.